Southern Yacht Club

New Orleans, La. | Lake Pontchartrain | 1849

Southern Yacht Club

Posted by admin on September 20, 2012

New Orleans, La. | Lake Pontchartrain | 1849 |

2006 to present

The current production of this burgee uses a Navy header to highlight the top-and-bottom-only border design.  (Note how the flags below appear to have a border on three sides, due to the white header material.)  Also, the lettering is a unique, custom font style that also serves as a stand-alone logo.

2000 to 2005

This burgee has several qustionable elements.  The lettering is a serifed font with varying stroke widths and is awkwardly compressed to fit on the flag.  Also, the border is unusually thin.

1999 - The Sesquicentential Year

This burgee was adopted for one year only as a throwback to the original club signal used from 1849 to 1896.

Circa 1960s to 1998

This is a nylon, mass-produced version of the burgee.  The color of the field is a lighter blue than the Navy color typically found in earlier cotton burgees.

Circa 1940s to 1960s

This post-WWII burgee is all cotton.  It was produced by the Annin Company of New Jersey and may have been one of the first mass-produced versions.  Note that the periods were omitted from the lettering; records show that most earlier versions of the burgee included the periods.

Circa 1930s and earlier

Burgees of this time may have been sewn to order by a local seamstress or sailmaker.
(Photo, dated 1925, courtesy of Peter Gambel)

1849 to 1896

The change from swallowtail to pennant burgee is recorded in the minutes of the 1896 general meeting.
(Image taken from the 1894 Club Book)